| Shoe Collector
Fashion Victim
Unicorn |
When was it that you decided, you wanted to be a fashion stylist?
I used to style all my cousins when I was much younger but I never thought it as a profession nor did I know there were stylists. I realized it quickly enough in my second semester in NIFT.
So how did you then take steps to become part of this world of fashion?
I did all kinds of small jobs while in NIFT like backstage helper, assisting show directors. And I met a lot of creative people while doing this and started working together on projects and that’s how I became of this.
You’ve worked with a lot of brands, Vogue, Elle, and now Harper’s Bazaar, how important a role does Brand Identity play when you are working with these brands?
A lot goes to creating an identity for these brands. From the cover style to the cover girl to the content to layout and even the brands featured. Everything has been created and curated to cater to certain section of the society who relate to this identity or aspire to be.
What’s the process like for doing a fashion shoot?
A lot of things: From coming up with the concept and then to casting the right Model, photographer, make up and hair to finding the best location. And of course calling in all the clothes that you want for this shoot from all over the world. It’s a really stressful job but the results can be very satisfying.
How is it different to style for print, than for other mediums?
Print is easier because there is a lot you can cheat. For example if the dress is loose you can pin it up, if there’s a certain collar you want to stay in a certain way you stick it up etc etc where in films it’s moving so the fit has to perfect, everything needs to stay the same throughout the shoot.
Where do you see the Indian Fashion Industry in the next five years?
Well hopefully doing amazing business and more and more Indian fashion in the world map.
One advice to young budding stylists?
There is no short cut to working hard and if your work is good you will shine through.
Do you prefer doing shoots around a story or a person?
I’m more of a story person.
How would you describe your style?
Depends really. I like clean minimal stuff but I also can go quirky and fun. I love to play with colours.
What do you find the most difficult about your job?
To be really honest, I don’t really know. Every job has its ups and downs. All though being surrounded by all these fabulous clothes, fabulous people, fabulous places, it’s very easy to get caught up in all this but it’s important to get back to reality and stay grounded.
This interview is a part of a series of interviews conducted for my graduation project titled ‘STATEMENTS’, based on my in-depth research and dissertation on ‘Influence & Identity’ in the world of Fashion. All illustrations by Naina Hussain. For the full book, click .
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